时间:2012-05-12 09:25:03 来源:未知 作者:小四 热度: 73 次
The game is completed, we welcome the offer from a publisher. Since there are people who have Wii for playing La-Mulana, I want to do something. La-Mulana director Takumi Naramura
I don't think there's a big chance of another publisher picking up the title, but I would love to be wrong. I'm thinking a release on 3DS eShop or something like that might have a better chance.
“游戏已经制作完成了!我们很欢迎能够提供一个代理发行商,因为有许多的玩家想要用WII玩La-Mulana。”La-Mulana,制作人Takumi Naramura说道。
“我不认为有很大的机率有另一个代理商会接手这个游戏,不过我心里是非常希望我的十法界错的。我想把作品发售在任天堂的3DS ESHOP上或者其它的像3DS那样拥有更佳机会的平台。”
The game is completed, we welcome the offer from a publisher. Since there are people who have Wii for playing La-Mulana, I want to do something. La-Mulana director Takumi Naramura
I don't think there's a big chance of another publisher picking up the title, but I would love to be wrong. I'm thinking a release on 3DS eShop or something like that might have a better chance.
“游戏已经制作完成了!我们很欢迎能够提供一个代理发行商,因为有许多的玩家想要用WII玩La-Mulana。”La-Mulana,制作人Takumi Naramura说道。
“我不认为有很大的机率有另一个代理商会接手这个游戏,不过我心里是非常希望我的十法界错的。我想把作品发售在任天堂的3DS ESHOP上或者其它的像3DS那样拥有更佳机会的平台。”
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