时间:2012-07-11 08:42:10 来源:未知 作者:小四 热度: 83 次
近日索尼推出了一则关于PSV日版游戏《抵抗 燃烧的天空》的广告,广告中极力表现游戏的操作体验,PSV能够带来与家用机几乎完全一样的操作感受,而3DS由于硬件的原因没有右摇杆,则成为了暗讽的对象。
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe released a trailer for Resistance: Buring Skies, which is an FPS (first-person shooter) PlayStation Vita game that holds a score of a 59/100 on Metacritic. According to ManPac, the trailer – shown above – targets the Nintendo 3DS for not having built-in dual analogue sticks for FPSs. There is text that reads, toward the beginning of the trailer, “with only one thumb, it’s only half the console FPS experience.”
Nintendo’s latest handheld has a touchscreen, which can act like a second “analogue stick.” If gamers want a second actual ‘stick’ for FPSs, Nintendo offers a Circle Pad Pro extension – which adds a second Circle Pad to the existing 3DS. Currently, there are no FPS 3DS games in Europe. Should handheld gaming deliver the “console experience” in the first place?
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