时间:2015-03-11 19:59:49 来源:贴吧 作者:3846620211 热度: 5 次
ew character tools have been added in the game. Your character can now handle the torch, the hammer and the mace. Also, daylight and fog settings are available in the Gameplay options (change the sun angle, light intensity, fog density). Lastly, we have added several new blocks (stairs corners, slope corners, arch ceilings) and modding tools for AI and destruction.
你可以调整光照角度亮度 还有雾的浓度 还能调光照颜色 比如说绿色XD
增加了奇怪的方块 你可以建造更有逼格的建筑 比如转角 穹顶
改了野人的AI 让野人更像野人。
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