国王的统治Reign Of Kings服务器架设教程
时间:2015-03-25 17:23:59 来源:吧友 作者:whilwind714 热度: 484 次
2~3、选中刚创建的游戏桌面快捷程序右键,在目标后添加如图代码 -batchmod (记得先空格后代码)
4、运行快捷方式后,会自动在根目录创建服务器配置文件Configuration 文件夹(服务器名称、人数、端口等)
进服务器 教程
1,自开服: 输入本机ip 端口(默认7350) 密码(默认为空) 点击connect 即可进入服务器玩耍
2,进朋友服: 输入对方ip 端口 密码 点击connect 即可进入对方服务器
也可以在根目录创建 bat启动文件
If you wanted to make the entire line bright red, you would need to know that the color red hex code is ff0000. You would edit your ServerSettings.cfg line:
serverName = ‘[ff0000]Reign Of Kings’
If you want to use more then one color, for example, you wanted to make the Kings word white while keeping everything else red your ServerSettings.cfg line:
serverName = ‘[ff0000]Reign Of [ffffff]Kings’
You can make color changes for each character, just place your color code in brackets before the character.
Keep in mind that server names displayed on the server list only accounts for the first 64 characters, this includes color codes.
That said, serverName = ‘[ff0000]Reign Of Kings’ Counts as 22 characters.
While serverName = ‘[ff0000]Reign Of [ffffff]Kings’ Counts as 30 characters.
简单说就是在服务器设置文件里的服务器名称前添加颜色代码 ,即可在服务列表中显示什么颜色的名称
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