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勿忘我/Remember Me美欧双版DLC Pack免授权下载

时间:2013-06-05 14:54:43 来源:未知 作者:小新 热度: 105

昨天我们分享了游戏《勿忘我/Remember Me》的欧版DLC的免授权下载,今天我们也把美欧双版DLC Pack免授权下载分享给大家,希望大家喜欢。

昨天我们分享了游戏《勿忘我/Remember Me》的欧版DLC的免授权下载,今天我们也把美欧双版DLC Pack免授权下载分享给大家,希望大家喜欢。


                       [PS3]Remember Me DLC Pack[BLUS31012][BLES01701]
                               COMBO LAB PACK (Cooldown and Flash Kick!, Regen and Dragon Punch!, Power and Spinning Bird Kick!)
                               - Contains three Pressen & Street Fighter packs.
                               - These pressens are the moves you use to customize your combo trees.
                               - Each Pressen has a different attribute (damage, regen, cooldown or link).
                               - Street Fighter moves are three exclusive physical attacks borrowed from Capcom��s ubiquitous Street Fighter series.
                               Cooldown and Flash Kick!
                               - A unique Pressen move for Cooldown attribute.
                               - Exclusive Street Fighter Move - Flash Kick!
                               - Deal extra damage to your enemies.
                               Regen and Dragon Punch!
                               - A unique Pressen move for Regen attribute.
                               - Exclusive Street Fighter Move - Dragon Punch!
                               - Deal extra damage to your enemies.
                               Power and Spinning Bird Kick!
                               - A unique Pressen move for Power attribute.
                               - Exclusive Street Fighter move - Spinning Bird Kick!
                               - Deal extra damage to your enemies.
                               Credit to: Fugazi & Franky.




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