时间:2014-09-21 20:27:33 来源:巴友 作者:michaellee0 热度: 3752 次
Patience and Time " 耐心与时间" Exotic 级狙击步枪
"There are rumors of a custom sniper rifle kit-bashed to optimize stealth through the implementation of light-bending camouflage. While no first-person accounts of its use have ever been recorded, there have been enough whispers to warrant its inclusion in these pages."
"传说中有把率先实用了光学迷彩组件的试作狙击步枪. 虽然没有任何实际的目击证人,可是已经有足够的流言蜚语让它在歷史上留下痕迹" --- 武器与装备开发部门
Patience and Time: "You gain active camouflage while aiming down the sights."
耐心与时间 : 使用瞄镜时启动光学迷彩
Accurized Ballistics: "More range and impact. Increased recoil."
準确弹道 : 提升有效射程及衝击力 , 后座力提升.
CQB Ballistics: "Greatly reduced recoil. Significant penalty to range."
近距离战斗弹道 : 大幅度降低后座力 , 同时大幅度牺牲射程
Smart Drift Control: "Predictable and controllable recoil. Penalty to range"
智能飘移制动 : 较可预测且操控的后座力 , 牺牲射程.
Third Eye: "Radar stays active while aiming down this weapon's sights."
第叁隻眼 : 使用瞄镜时依旧可使用雷达.
Armor Piercing Rounds: "These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling."
穿甲弹药 : 铱核心弹药会穿透目标. 高面积却使得武器操控性下降.
Relic Iron Rounds: "This ammunition considerably improves impact, but fewer rounds can be carried in reserve."
遗物弹药 : 大幅度提升弹药衝击力 , 可是减少可携带的弹药.
Fieldwire Rounds: "A charged fieldwire jacket enhances impact."
覆线弹药 : 弹药提升些许衝击力.
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