功夫兔子Kung Fu Rabbit全奖杯一览
时间:2013-07-04 11:03:29 来源:未知 作者:小新 热度: 82 次
PSV游戏《功夫兔子Kung Fu Rabbit》是一款以中国古代为背景的中国功夫为主题的动作游戏,这款游戏的玩法相对比较传统一点,就类似于老游戏玛丽过关型游戏,喜欢玩这类型游戏的玩家还是不错的可以试试。这里同时把游戏中的全部奖杯成就分享给有需要的玩家。
PSV游戏《功夫兔子Kung Fu Rabbit》是一款以中国古代为背景的中国功夫为主题的动作游戏,这款游戏的玩法相对比较传统一点,就类似于老游戏玛丽过关型游戏,喜欢玩这类型游戏的玩家还是不错的可以试试。这里同时把游戏中的全部奖杯成就分享给有需要的玩家。
BIENVENIDO, GRINGO! Finish a level with the Mexican Avenger. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
I LOVE CARROTS Pick up a carrot. Use your carrots in the Dojo to purchase new equipment! |
100.00% COMMON |
THE BIG FAT CARROT Pick up a gold carrot. These carrots are worth more than ordinary carrots, and reappear at the end of a level. Play levels over to collect the carrots. |
100.00% COMMON |
GOURMET ENDING Collect 15 carrots. Now go to the Dojo to purchase a Power Aura. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
BULIMIA Collect 60 carrots. You can now go to the Dojo to train in the following technique: Death from the sky. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
KAMIKAZE Kill an enemy after you die. Banzai!! |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
RABBIT AVENGER Kill more than 100 enemies during your journey. It's absolute slaughter. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
WHAT POWER! Show you've got lots of vigour by using a Power Aura. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
TWO WITH ONE BLOW Kill two enemies with one blow. That's what you call economising. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
BREAKNECK Get killed in less than 2 seconds. This feat will remain written in the annals for centuries and centuries. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
INITIATE OF THE SECRETS Finish a secret level. The secret levels contain harder and harder challenges. |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
MASTER OF THE SECRETS Finish the bonus levels to become a real Master of the Secrets. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
STRAIGHT TO THE WALL Stay on one of these ghost walls when it appears to get yourself walled in alive! |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
PERSISTENT You have died over 100 times and you're still here! |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
WRONG SETTINGS You died over 20 times in the same level! |
50.00% UNCOMMON |
BACK WITH A VENGEANCE Finish all three worlds. The enemies are coming back in strength. More, stronger, uglier! Finally a bit of fun… |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
GRAND DRAGON You finally won. They're erecting statues in your honour and fans are throwing flower petals before you. You're pure class. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
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