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时间:2012-06-15 08:38:43 来源:未知 作者:小四 热度: 91

在今年的E3展上,育碧没有吝啬自家的大作,将自己的当家大作刺客信条搬到了PSV平台,本作虽然是外传性质的作品,但是从宣传上来看育碧对本作也是下了相当大的功夫,下面让我们来看看育碧高级营销副总裁Tony Key在记者采访时的言论吧!

在今年的E3展上,育碧没有吝啬自家的大作,将自己的当家大作刺客信条搬到了PSV平台(查看详情),本作虽然是外传性质的作品,但是从宣传上来看育碧对本作也是下了相当大的功夫,下面让我们来看看育碧高级营销副总裁Tony Key在记者采访时的言论吧!

Ubisoft hasn’t been shy about providing support for the PlayStation Vita. The publisher came out with a number of titles for the handheld’s launch, and is readying a full-fledged Assassin’s Creed experience.


Although some gaming enthusiasts believe the system is in deep trouble, Ubisoft isn’t ready to go that far. Senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key told IGN that it’s “too early to say that Vita’s not going to be a success.”

尽管一些游戏爱好者们认为这个平台已经陷入大麻烦了,可是育碧并没有那么想。高级营销副总裁Tony Key告诉IGN说“说Vita不会成功还言之尚早”。

Key said:
“It’s a really good platform and we’ve always liked it. The way it’s designed, it’s a beautiful piece of hardware. It’s got cool features that you can’t get anywhere else. And Assassin’s Creed, we believe, is the right type of game for that system. It’s definitely too early to say that Vita’s not going to be a success.


“Assassin’s Creed III is not the only big Vita game coming this holiday, and I think that’s a good thing,” Key said. “We’re actually very happy that there’s another big Vita game coming for Christmas from a competitor because we think that will raise all boats. It’s going to generate a lot of interest in the Vita this holiday season. Sony’s going to be spending a lot of money and resources to make sure that the Vita is there and it’s relevant and it’s doing well.”


As for the system’s future, Key believes that big games are what will help Vita find success, and that Ubisoft can help by bringing its biggest franchises to the handheld.
“We’re happy to support any cool new hardware system out there. Assassin’s Creed is exactly the type of brand that needs to go on there because we need to put our best stuff on that system.”








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