时间:2012-09-05 21:57:04 来源:未知 作者:小白 热度: 62 次
BULKYPIX 开发的《爵士乐手的故事》是以路易斯 阿姆斯特朗的真实经历为原型,再现了Trump精彩的一生,表现了他组建乐团的历程、官方宣布爵士乐手的故事将登陆PSV平台,具体发售时间尚未公开。
BULKYPIX 开发的《爵士乐手的故事》(JAZZ: Trump's journey)是以路易斯 阿姆斯特朗的真实经历为原型,再现了Trump精彩的一生,表现了他组建乐团的历程、他的恋爱经历以及他在二十世纪初的新奥尔良与不公正待遇抗争的故事。和Trump一起重温他年少时成为爵士音乐家的梦想,以及他和可爱的Poppy女士之间的爱情故事吧,让灵感引导你走进这款温馨而又奇妙的游戏世界。
Egg Ball Games and Bulkypix have unveiled a new downloadable platformer, Jazz: Trump’s Journey, for PlayStation Vita.
The game’s story follows a “daring parallel” of the real story of jazz legend Louis Armstrong. You will relive his life, through his “quest” to form a jazz group, his love affair with Lady Poppy, and his “battle with injustice” in early 20th century New Orleans.
According to Egg Ball marketing and communication manager Aurelie Gerault, the team’s aim was to “talk about the creation of jazz and the people responsible.” The entire team is fond of Armstrong’s music, and “they get really inspired by his art and his approach to music in general.”
It promises to offer “addictive gameplay mechanics” and a “high quality” visual style which “immerses players in an old school universe, full of colour and romantic atmosphere.” A “full jazz orchestra” is heading the game’s soundtrack.
Jazz is due out for PS Vita later this year. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Thanks, PlayStation Blog Europe.
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