时间:2012-07-28 09:07:46 来源:未知 作者:小四 热度: 46 次
近日,EEDAR分析师 Jesse Divnich再次发表声明表示任天堂的次世代主机WIIU的发售日期极有可能会在今年的东京电玩展期间或者说这段时间进行公开,而任天堂之前迟迟未公布主机的具体售价的原因是因为很可能发生的竞争对手的降低举动。
近日,EEDAR分析师 Jesse Divnich再次发表声明表示任天堂的次世代主机WIIU的发售日期极有可能会在今年的东京电玩展期间或者说这段时间进行公开,而任天堂之前迟迟未公布主机的具体售价的原因是因为很可能发生的竞争对手的降低举动。
译文:"我期望任天堂会在9月发布一些官方的正式声明(Wii U的消息),可能会在(或不是)东京电玩展这段时期。"
原文:“I would expect Nintendo to make some form of an official announcement in September. Likely around (but not at) the Tokyo Game Show.”
“Nintendo didn’t release any information regarding pricing or unit expectations. It is tough to pinpoint any type of expectation when Nintendo themselves are being incredibly vague about it. Considering the potential for PS3/Xbox 360 price cuts this holiday, it is understandable that they are keeping their cards close to the chest.”
译文:"我期望任天堂会在9月发布一些官方的正式声明(Wii U的消息),可能会在(或不是)东京电玩展这段时期。"
原文:“I would expect Nintendo to make some form of an official announcement in September. Likely around (but not at) the Tokyo Game Show.”
“Nintendo didn’t release any information regarding pricing or unit expectations. It is tough to pinpoint any type of expectation when Nintendo themselves are being incredibly vague about it. Considering the potential for PS3/Xbox 360 price cuts this holiday, it is understandable that they are keeping their cards close to the chest.”
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