马克思 兄弟的诅咒成就攻略大全
时间:2014-07-15 16:40:57 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:sweet 热度: 126 次
马克思 兄弟的诅咒是一款有着剧情,冒险元素,动作和解谜等多种元素融合在一起的XBOX平台游戏。在游戏中,玩家将扮演一名小男孩马克思,为了救出被恶魔抓走的弟弟,与恶魔战斗的故事。游戏中一共有七个完全不同的世界和20多个关卡,是一款非常棒的平台游戏。下面小编就给大家介绍一下成就获得的攻略!
马克思 兄弟的诅咒是一款有着剧情,冒险元素,动作和解谜等多种元素融合在一起的XBOX平台游戏。在游戏中,玩家将扮演一名小男孩马克思,为了救出被恶魔抓走的弟弟,与恶魔战斗的故事。游戏中一共有七个完全不同的世界和20多个关卡,是一款非常棒的平台游戏。下面小编就给大家介绍一下成就获得的攻略!
成就说明 |
成就点数 |
Some Assembly Required |
25 |
You found and assembled 6 pieces of the lost Amulet. 你收集了6块遗失的护身符碎片 |
Amulet Hunter |
50 |
You found and assembled 12 pieces of the lost Amulet. 你收集了12块遗失的护身符碎片 |
Tree of Life |
75 |
You found and assembled the entire Amulet for the Old Lady! 你收集了所有护身符碎片并将拼凑完整的护身符给老奶奶 |
What Are You Looking At? |
5 |
You destroyed the first 5 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. That'll teach him. 你破坏了5个恶魔之眼 |
No Peeking! |
25 |
You destroyed 25 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. Consider his surveillance network impaired. 你破坏了25个恶魔之眼 |
Eye Bye Bye |
50 |
You destroyed 50 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. His control is diminishing! 你破坏了50个恶魔之眼 |
Kingdom of the Blind |
75 |
No evil is safe from you and your grabby hands. 你破坏了全部75个恶魔之眼 |
Just getting started |
15 |
You used the Magic Marker 25 times. 你使用了画笔25次 |
Master of Earth |
15 |
You drew 200 earth pillars. 你画出了200次土柱 |
Master of Branches |
15 |
You drew 200 branches. 你画出了200次树枝 |
Master of Vines |
15 |
You drew 200 vines. 你画出了200次青藤 |
Master of Water |
15 |
You drew 200 water streams. 你画出了200次溪流 |
Master of Fire |
150 |
You drew 200 fireballs. 你画出了200次火球 |
Greenfingers |
25 |
You made the world a little greener. 你共计画出了700次树枝和青藤 |
Guts and Glory |
25 |
You made 5 critters explode and survived it. Your clothes might need a rinse though. 你5次使会爆炸出毒气的敌人爆炸并幸免死于毒气 |
He is The One |
10 |
Huh, time really DOES slow down when you're in danger. 你处境危机时遇到了某些关卡中时间会减缓的时刻 |
Deadshot |
25 |
It's all in the fingers and fiery balls of death. 用一发火球杀死两个敌人 |
What's That Smell? |
25 |
You lit 25 enemies on fire. Oh the things one does for brotherly love. 用火球杀死25个敌人 |
Ludicrous Speed |
50 |
And just in time for tea! (Reached the old lady in under 5 minutes.) 在第一关,5分钟内到达老奶奶那 |
Clever Boy |
25 |
One Sea of Sand, 2 earth pillars, 3 drawings - piece of cake. 1个沙海,2个土柱,3个笔画 |
Dominos |
10 |
You made it safely past the Stone Pillars of Black Rock Canyon. 你安全的通过黑岩峡谷关卡最后的石柱(关卡成就) |
Hold on Tight |
25 |
You tamed the Spikester! ...Lucky you. 让食人花吃掉刺头龟后,站在上面10秒 |
For Whom the Bell Tolls |
15 |
Time Marches On (Rang a bell.) 在1-5关卡的城镇里有个钟,敲响它 |
Flipping boxes |
10 |
Up you go. 上去吧!(过关成就) |
Hot Potato |
15 |
Killed a Bomber with his own bomb. 用炸弹怪的炸弹炸死它自己 |
Alone in the Dark |
10 |
Being afraid of the dark is for sissies anyway. 惧怕黑暗可是胆小鬼(关卡成就) |
By the Skin of your Teeth |
10 |
You escaped the Beast - again! 再次逃脱大怪兽的追杀(关卡成就) |
Burn, Baby, Burn. |
10 |
You took care of that pesky Beast once and for all! 逃脱熔岩大怪兽的追杀 |
There You Are! |
10 |
You found your kid brother! 你找到了你的弟弟了(关卡成就) |
Trust Me |
50 |
You stole back your kid brother like a boss! 保护弟弟不受死亡完成关卡 |
Your Brother's Keeper |
75 |
You defeated Mustacho and saved your brother! 打败邪恶老头并拯救你的弟弟(关卡成就) |
No Stranger to Danger |
50 |
You defeated Mustacho without dying even once! 一次不死的打败邪恶老头 |
Immune to Lava |
50 |
You didn't die in Death By Lava. 在逃脱上升岩浆的关卡中不死 |
Perfect Sliding |
50 |
You escaped the Beast without dying! 在逃脱大怪兽的桥段中不死 |
Can't Touch This |
25 |
You completed a level without dying. 你一次不死完成一次关卡 |
Lost and Found |
5 |
You found the first piece of the lost Amulet. 你找到了第1块遗失的护身符碎片 |
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