时间:2014-12-09 17:37:11 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:秩名 热度: 15 次
1. The first Stamina Booster was in Outskirts. You move a crate to the left, and climb down a secret ladder to a body that has this booster.
2. The second is in Tree House. You go through a house that has a basement. When you go down to the basement, a body will have this Stamina Booster.
3. The last Stamina Booster is in Playoff. When you come around the other side of the stadium, you can climb up to the right and eventually go up to the top to get a Retro game, but before you go all the way up there, there is a box that holds the last Stamina Booster on the way.

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