时间:2014-11-06 08:50:33 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小四 热度: 2754 次
PS4和PSV版本的,应该和PC一样。从成就里面可以看出有四个新可用角色,2个新房间:BOSS RUSH,DARK ROOM,一些新道具,挑战也从原来的10个增加为20个,下面是全部59个成就(PC版应该会少一个白金奖杯成就)
白1 金2 银2 铜54 总59
Platinum (白金)Obtain all trophies获得所有奖杯
Isaac's Tears (以撒的眼泪)Kill Isaac with Isaac用以撒杀死以撒
Mom's Knife (妈刀)Kill Satan with Isaac用以撒杀死撒旦
Isaac's Heart (以撒的心)Kill Isaac with The Lost用Lost杀死以撒
The Mind (精神)Kill Satan with The Lost用Lost杀死撒旦
Magdalene (抹大拉)Have 7 or more max red hearts at one time同时拥有七颗或更多红心。
The Relic (遗物)Kill Isaac with Maggy用抹大拉杀死以撒
Guardian Angel (守护天使)Kill Satan with Maggy用抹大拉杀死撒旦
Cain (该隐)Hold 55 or more pennies at one time同时拥有55枚或更多硬币。
The Coin Bag (硬币包)Kill Isaac with Cain用该隐杀死以撒
The Bomb Bag (炸弹包)Kill Satan with Cain用该隐杀死撒旦
Judas (犹大)Kill Satan杀死撒旦
The Guillotine (铡刀)Kill Isaac with Judas用犹大杀死以撒
Judas' Tongue (犹大的舌头)Kill Satan with Judas用犹大杀死撒旦
Eve (夏娃)Beat 2 levels in a row without picking up any hearts同一列不捡任何心打完两关。
Eve's Bird Foot (夏娃的鸟爪)Kill Isaac with Eve用夏娃杀死以撒
The Razor (剃刀)Kill Satan with Eve用夏娃杀死撒旦
Samson (参孙)Beat 2 levels in a row without taking damage同一列不受伤打完两关。
Bloody Lust (嗜血)Kill Isaac with Samson用参孙杀死以撒
Blood Rights (血之权利)Kill Satan with Samson用参孙杀死撒旦
AzazelMake 3 deals with the devil in one run一次游戏中与恶魔交易3次
The Satanic Bible (撒旦的圣经)Kill Isaac with Azazel用阿撒兹勒杀死以撒
Daemon's Tail (恶魔之尾)Kill Satan with Azazel用阿撒泻勒杀死撒旦。
Lazarus (拉撒路)Have 4 or more soul hearts at one time同时拥有4颗魂心。
Lazarus' Rags (拉撒路的碎片)Kill Isaac with Lazarus用拉撒路杀死以撒
Broken Ankh (破碎的十字章)Kill Satan with Lazarus用拉撒路杀死撒旦。
Eden (伊甸)Beat the Womb for the first time第一次打倒“子宫”。
A Blank Card (空白的卡片)Kill Isaac with Eden用伊甸杀死以撒。
The Book Of Secrets (秘密之书)Kill Satan with Eden用伊甸杀死撒旦
Something from the future (关于未来的一些事)Beat the Basement 40 times打过地下室40遍。
Something Cute (一些可爱的事)Beat the Caves 30 times打过洞穴30次。
Something sticky (一些极不愉快的东西)Beat the Depths 20 times打过深处20次
Basement Boy (地下室男孩)Beat the Basement/Cellar without taking damage无伤打过地下室/地窖
Spelunker Boy (洞穴探察者)Beat the Caves/Catacombs without taking damage无伤打过洞穴/墓穴
Dark Boy (黑暗男孩)Beat the Depths/Necropolis without taking damage无伤打过深处/墓地
Mama's Boy (妈妈的孩子)Beat the Womb/Utero without taking damage无伤打过子宫
Dead Boy (死亡男孩)Beat the Chest or Dark Room without taking damage无伤打过宝箱关或者黑暗房间
Challenges (挑战)Beat all 20 Challenges完成所有20个挑战
Boss Rush (BOSS RUSH)Beat the Boss Rush打过BOSS RUSH关卡
Dark Room (黑暗房间)Beat the Dark Room打过黑暗房间
The Chest (宝箱)Beat the Chest打过宝箱关
Lost Poster (遗失的海报)Beat the Dark Room with Isaac用以撒打过黑暗房间
Little Baggy (小袋子)Collect 2 of either Roid Rage, The Virus, Growth Hormones, Experimental Treatment, or Speed Ball收集变异,病毒,生长激素,试验性治疗,加速球中的任意两个
The Womb (子宫)Kill Mom杀死妈妈
The Halo (光环)Kill Mom using the Bible用圣经杀死妈妈
Transcendence (超越)Kill Mom's Heart 3 times杀死妈心三次
Everything Is Terrible (一切都很糟糕)Kill Mom's Heart 5 times杀死妈心5次
A Quarter (25美分)Kill Mom's Heart 8 times杀死妈心八次
A Fetus In A Jar (罐中婴儿)Kill Mom's Heart 9 times杀死妈心九次
Blue Baby (小蓝人)Kill Mom's Heart 10 times杀死妈心十次
It Lives (It Lives)Kill Mom's Heart 11 times杀死妈心十一次
Forget Me Now (马上忘了我)Kill Satan with ???用???杀死撒旦
The Book Of Sin (罪之书)Kill all 7 sins杀死所有七宗罪
The Polaroid (宝丽来)Beat Cathedral 5 times杀死主教5次。
The Negative (底片)Beat Sheol 5 times打过冥府五次
Golden God (黄金上帝)You are the best!你是最棒的!
Platinum God (白金上帝)Collect all items and unlock all secrets and endings收集齐所有道具,解锁所有秘密和结局
The Lost (遗失)Finish the game's final secret完成游戏最后的秘密
Real Platinum God (真正的白金上帝)100% the game100%完成游戏
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